Our latest issue of Benefit Beat is a bumper issue that aims to help you look after your physical and mental health during these trying times. View it here.
As a result of Covid-19 restrictions on movement and the need to keep vulnerable persons at home as far as possible, the National Department of Health (NDoH) has temporarily extended… read more →
With world-wide data showing that older people are generally more vulnerable to Covid-19, the Society has been concerned that our membership may be especially hard-hit. So far, however, we have… read more →
The Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF) and its members in the healthcare funding space have requested members of medical schemes to proceed with caution in scheduling elective surgical procedures (for… read more →
Avoid having a claim rejected for ambulance transport by understanding exactly when you should, and when you should not, phone for an ambulance to take you to hospital. The most… read more →